Isolate yourself in a well ventilated room. Use a triple layer medical mask, discard mask after 8 hours of use or earlier if they become wet or visibly soiled. In the event of a caregiver entering the room, both caregiver and patient may consider using N 95 mask. Mask should be discarded only after disinfecting it with 1% Sodium Hypochlorite. Take rest and drink a lot of fluids to maintain adequate hydration. Follow respiratory etiquettes at all times. Frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 40 seconds or clean with alcohol-based sanitizer. Don’t share personal items with other people in the household. Ensure cleaning of surfaces in the room that are touched often (tabletops, doorknobs, handles, etc.) with 1% hypochlorite solution. Monitor temperature daily. Monitor oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter daily. Connect with the treating physician promptly if any deterioration of symptoms is noticed.