We at Trinity Institute of Management and Technology. commit ourselves to the creation of a society wherein the youth are characterized by INTELLECTUAL STIMULATION, MORAL UPRIGHTNESS, AND SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT, wherein they establish and nurture CAMPUS-COMMUNITY NETWORK SO AS TO REACH OUT TO THE LESS PRIVILEGED, wherein they promote NATIONAL INTEGRATION WITH THE SPIRIT OF AUTHENTIC INDIAN CULTURE, wherein they undertake NETWORKING WITH THE CORPORATE SECTOR and wherein they become CHANGE AGENTS WHO EXERCISE A TRANSFORMATIVE INFLUENCE ON SOCIETY.
We envision our College as a prime mover in trans-formative education, broadening the cognitive, experiential, and spiritual horizons of students, leading them to higher realms
( Ad Altiora ) of human life on earth. This means to us:
» Trinity aspires to disseminate information in such a way that it transforms the students to be better citizens.
» Trinity envisions to be a leader in quality education
» Trinity molds a generation with a global vision, and commitment towards building a ‘better India’