Self Improvement
Personality development and self-growth means something new in our life there is no specific age for the self-development it is for people to express their communication skills and qualities interactive product like health gadgets use of online trading to lessen the stress has become an increasing number of famous among us the consumers the cell development Technology required experts in technology and psychology as per a recent scenario relationship between these disciplines is remain in are finding shows that use of gadgets for self-improvement is become very much popular in these days for their experience and successful change in their life persuasive Technology takes the position of coaches and helping the human beings for the fulfillment of private dreams plethora of apps and gadgets are used for the self-improvement self can be made privately in various ways as follows
1. Use of Smartphones for building mental strength
A plethora of apps is available for switching over the way you think. These apps like thought diary, Calm, Habit hub, Headspace helps to train your brain to think positively and compassionately. These apps help you to regulate one’s emotions through meditation. Some apps are available to rid yourself of healthy habits.
2. The meditation podcast
When someone feels incompetent in the world and not getting any kind of success in their life then to feel more energized or lessen their stress podcasts of meditation are used to feel relaxed. These podcasts are made to provide guidance on the meditations by experts on topics related to yoga, health stress and so much more. Mind podcasts with Morgan Dix, Tara brach, The mindful minute podcast, etc. are the example of meditation podcasts.
3. Mental health Apps for stress anxiety and more
for self-improvement, the first step is to get rid yourself of stress and uplift your self-confidence. Now there are many more apps that can turn screen time into time well spent. Applications provide tools for their visitors to improve their life through self-improvement. According to the national aliens on mental illness (NAMI), an estimated 48.3 million adults in the US deal with mental health condition each year (updated September 2019). These apps are like a substitute for face to face care at the initial level. These apps reported improvement in motivation confidence and attitudes about mental and emotional health. Crookston BT, hall PC, West JH, and emotional self-health Technology apps are the cross-sectional study of theory, technology, and mental health behavior)
4.Use of online games or games app to build skills
Green Park or special abilities such games are originated. These apps help in building executive function abilities that help you to solve problems and stay organized in your personal as well as professional life. These games give you the practice of prompt thinking. Games like brain age or big brain Academy played on Nintendo 3DS, we boggle is a free online game, etc.
5. Language learning apps and channels
This is one of the best ways to improve oneself to learn new languages with the help of an app the most common app my Spanish coach played on Nintendo 3DS which gives a regular evaluation on improvement also. People who work as servicemen or employees or students who newly join institutes for higher education, not able to assess readymade resources to work on English skills. At that time they install various apps for English learning for boosting self-confidence and their personality. Apps like English level checker, ESL daily English, learn English grammar are available on Google Play. Some follow national English apps to improve their public speaking skills. Lots of channels are also able for providing guidance on improving your English, how one can develop a personality. YouTube channel is the most common channel used for self-development
6. Self help groups
Traditionally society, family, and friends provide social support. But now in New Era, everyone hesitates to take help from their relatives just because of fear of inferiority. In the Modern era family and communities are disrupted due to mobility and other social changes. With the introduction of self-help groups, members of these pairs share their stories, stress, feelings, and issues, so that they don’t feel loneliness.
7. Upgrade your Wardrobe by using online guidance on wear according to occasions
Very Famous proverb “when in Rome do as Romans” is also applicable for self-improvement. Guidance can be taken with the help of online information Consulting consultant online. Combine (outfit ideas and outfit creation), output planners, and Idea closet organizer, apps are available on Google Play. Your appearance plays a role in nonverbal communication which includes the gestures, posters, and movement of your body. It is rightly said that “body language is a very powerful tool. We had body language before we had speech and apparently, 80% of what you understand in a conversation is read through the body, not the words”
8. Technology and digital tools that can boost your confidence
Technology benefits us in so many ways it helps our efforts to develop our self-confidence and self-esteem. Some have a phobia of public speaking for self-presenting, they can uplift their competence by using digital tools and Technology there are so many apps available on the internet which facilitates how to enhance your self-confidence and number of ways for boosting of self-confidence. There are various gadgets like watches, etc. With the help of these gadgets, one can know how they can improve their appearance and body language. The smartwatches help the number in counting the number of steps and glass of water you have taken. With the help of technology, one can easily manage how to improve oneself.
Asst. prof. Rajneet Kaur
Department of management
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